Pedicure At Home IN 5 Steps

pedicure at home

How to do pedicure at home in simple steps

We all take care of our face and body but we completely neglect our feet and do not take enough care of them. we often ignore to care for them We always look after our face beauty or hair care but who doesn’t like smooth, soft and beautiful feet If u have spotless and fair feet you can wear any type of fashionable sandals Any footwear looks attractive when you wear it The way we do facial and other beauty treatments for the face it is very important to do pedicure of feet.

Pedicure at home

We’ve come up with some super quick and easy DIYs that will help you reduce tanning, cracked heels, skin roughness and much more. Cracked heels bring a lot of pain and shame and we’re always looking for ways to cover them up. With this super easy pedicure treatment at home, you don’t have to hide your heels in public anymore.

If you do pedicure in the salon, salon pedicures are more expensive. if you do it at home, you can easily do it with home ingredients It has no side effects and it is 100% natural for the first step, you need nail polish remover By using nail polish remover, you must clean the old nail polish on your nails You can also shape your nails using a nail cutter so, the first step involves removing nail polish and trimming nails.

pedicure at home

In step 2 take lukewarm water in a tub Add some fresh lemon slice little bit shampoo and Dettol to this water and take a dip ready Dip your feet in this water for 10 minutes This will remove all the dust, dirt from your feet Also, your feet will become bacteria free because of Dettol

In step three scrub your feet

You will need

1. One table spoon oatmeal powder.

2.One table spoon brown sugar.

3. Two table spoon honey.

How to use

Mix the sugar and oatmeal together and add honey to the mixture and mix well or scrub your feet very well
As the feet were dipped in lukewarm water, your skin will become soft and will be easy to scrub You can also use pumice stone This will help in easy removal of dead skin as the skin will be soft already.

In step 4 wipe your feet nicely by using a towel, here’s a wax treatment that’s sure to revive dull-looking feet. Paraffin wax treatments are very popular pedicure treatments at the salon and instantly soften rough feet.

You will need

1.Two cup of water

2. normal slab of paraffin.

3. One table spoon petroleum jelly.

What To Do

Take 4 parts of water in a container and start heating it. Add a slab of paraffin wax to the water and let it melt completely. Add petroleum jelly to the mix and leave the stove on till it reaches a boiling point. Let the mixture cool down for a bit and make sure it’s slightly warm when you apply. Now, prep your feet by applying some olive oil. Now, apply 3-4 layers of the warm melted wax on your feet, heels and toes. Wrap with a cling film and leave it on for 20 minutes. Paraffin wax moisturises dry skin and soothes aching joints. After the wax hardens, remove the cling wrap and take off all the flaky wax and any dead skin that clings to the wax will also come off with it.

How to make moisturizer at home

1.One table spoon sesame oil.

2. One table spoon almond oil.

you can make a moisturiser of almond and sesame oil to massage your feet this is a great foot moisturiser You can massage your feet while applying moisturizer you’re someone who does not have the time to care for your feet every week, you should apply moisturizer every night on feet to keep them soft.

pedicure at home

In step 5 you can apply your favourite colour nail polish you can also do nail art to make your feet look more beautiful With this pedicure treatment, you’ll see that your feet are getting softer, healthier and cleaner every day.

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